Conventional cages generally had lower impacts than all non-organic systems.
#Openlca impact methods blank free#
Organic production systems had the lowest impacts in nine of the ten categories assessed, while free range systems generally performed the worst. Feed inputs represented the greatest contributor to most impact categories (∼18% - 84%), followed by pullet production and manure management (∼ 10% - 37% and ∼0.01% - 62%, respectively).

Acidifying and GHG emissions decreased across most housing systems due to increases in feed- and pullet-use efficiency, while eutrophying emissions increased across all housing systems modeled due to differences in manure management systems. Generally, input and emission levels decreased across all housing systems, with few exceptions, compared to previously reported levels. based on 2019 data) LCA models and results representing the cradle to farm gate environmental impacts of Canadian egg production systems based on a much expanded data set compared to previous models. This transition may have significant sustainability implications. enriched cage, single- and multi-tier free run, free range, and organic) production systems by 2036. Recently, the industry committed to a complete transition to alternative (i.e. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.The supply-managed Canadian egg industry produces over 789 million dozen eggs per year, the majority of which are produced in conventional cages (∼60%). OpenLCA Environmental impacts Active treatments Acid dosing Reedbeds Passive treatments Journal of cleaner production, 202, 401-412. Options for managing alkaline steel slag leachate: A life cycle assessment. Potential design measures to enhance environmental performance of the treatments regarding metal removal and recovery are discussed and could inform operational management at active and legacy steel slag disposal sites. Both passive treatment options had better environmental performance than the active treatment options.

Higher uncertainty was associated with the categories particulate matter formation, climate change and human toxicity, as they are driven by indirect emissions from electricity and chemicals production. The major contributor to these impact categories was the Solvay process to produce CaCl2. For climate change, the lowest impact was calculated for P-G < P-P < A-H2SO4 < A-CO2 < A-CaCl2, while for particulate matter/respiratory inorganics, the options ranked as follows P-G < P-P < A-CO2 < A-H2SO4 < A-CaCl2. Regarding human toxicity, A-CaCl2 impact was 1260 times higher than the lowest impact option (A-CO2) for carcinogenics and 53 times higher for non-carcinogenics (A-H2SO4). The A-CaCl2 option scored worse than all other treatments for all considered environmental impact categories. The environmental impacts were calculated in OpenLCA using the ELCD database and ILCD 2011 method, covering twelve impact categories. Inventory data were obtained from project designers, commercial suppliers, laboratory data and field tests. The functional unit was 1 m3 of treated leachate with pH < 9, considering 24 h and 365 days of operating, maintenance operations every year, and service life of 20 years.

Five options were compared: active treatment by acid dosing (A-H2SO4), active treatment by carbon dioxide dosing (A-CO2), active treatment by calcium chloride dosing (A-CaCl2), passive treatment by cascade and reedbeds with pumping (P-P), and passive treatment by cascade and reedbeds in a gravity-driven configuration (P-G). This study aims to compare different treatment options for steel slag leachate through a life cycle assessment (LCA). Management of steel slag (a major by-product of the steel industry) includes the treatment of highly alkaline leachate (pH > 11.5) from rainwater infiltration of slag deposits to prevent adverse impact upon surface or ground waters.