In the Storage configuration tab there is only my other drive, a Toshiba HDD, which does not have a boot partition. And, what do you know, my SSD is no more detected by BIOS. Then entered in UEFI BIOS configuration (by itself, no DEL pressed). HAMA Multi Tool v. (G819) HiSun HUC2168 MPTool () Hitachi Microdrive Driver iCreate AllNewChinaPD v1.2 (i5188, i5127) iCreate i5060 i5062-ZD PDx8 2.20. On restart it got stuck for 50-60 seconds or more in "press DEL to enter bios" screen showing an "A2" error. It showed a progress bar for 20-30 seconds, then it said "Update successful". It boots a Tiny Core Linux distribution, the Transcend's updating program starts automatically. You're supposed to format an USB drive as FAT32, label it "TRANSCEND" and burn the. SM32xG1219 Chip Genius v.2.64 UT163-MPTool-v3.9.31.0 UT163 MPTool v3.9.35.0 checkudisc v5.0 Buffalo UFD FORMAT (ruflf500). Format melalui terminal di Ubuntu 10.04, biasanya pake distro linux berhasil untuk back up data dan format tetapi tidak untuk kali ini - Gagal.
#Mptool i5188 v.5 pdf
iso file (a bootable image), a PDF file (instructions) and a copy of unetbootin. Hal-hal yang sudah ane coba untuk memperbaiki flashdisk hina ini antara lain: Format biasa di windows 7 baik secara langsung maupun melalui command prompt - Gagal. Unfortunately I didn't resist temptation.
#Mptool i5188 v.5 update
I recently downloaded the support application from Transcend "SSD Scope" ( ) and at first run said it's available an update for my drive and offered to download it. It was working OK until I decided to update it's firmware. the configuration: 320 SMI MPTool SM3257AA v12 v.2.03.34 (10.11.22) Utility to restore the flash.